Mental health is often misconstrued as mental illness. What does this mean?

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  • Mental health is often misconstrued as mental illness. What does this mean?

“It is about the holistic wellbeing of an individual that allows them to develop to their full potential, and be able to deal with the challenges of life in a healthy way, contributing to the wellbeing of society.

The Director of S.Aid has this to say “From my experience majority of Ghanaians see mental health negatively, there is a stigma and this cuts across people with several backgrounds we need to break this if we want to take better care of ourselves that is why we us practitioners must understand the issues first.  This translates into ensuring that S.Aid staff made up of social workers and caregivers, administrative staff are trained and assisted to help street-connected children deal with distress and trauma.

 What intervention Strategies?

  •  Build the capacity of staff on mental health issues
  •  Empower street-connected children with psychosocial support
  •  Provide services that will assess children
  •  Provide care and support to identified children and their caregivers

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